MICROVAP Small Volume Evaporator
Catalog# 118XX-2897
Price: $2,200
This MICROVAP will include a refurbished heater bath, a brand new heat block, and a brand new nitrogen distribution assembly. The bath is very lightly used and in mint condition. This can be ordered as 1 of the 3 following models:
1. To hold one 96 position microplate (Cat# 11801-2897)
2. To hold 15 test tubes that are between 10-22 mm OD (Cat# 11815-2897)
3. To hold 24 test tubes that are between 10-17 mm OD (Cat# 11824-2897)
Please specify which model you are interested in when requesting a quote or ordering. Both test tube models will include a custom heat block drilled to your specific tube size. Additional heat blocks or heat block inserts can be purchased for each additional tube size. Conversion kits can also be purchased separately which allow you to switch between the MICROVAP models shown above.
** Not actual photo of refurbished instrument **