Lipid Extractor for AOCS Methods Ce 2c-11, Ce 12-16
This custom extractor is based off of our S-EVAP Evaporator. It was developed for use in AOCS methods Ce 2c-11 and Ce 12-16.
In method Ce 2c-11, fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) are prepared directly from food matrices. The extractor is used to reflux the sample first under acidic conditions using HCl in methanol, and then under basic conditions using NaOH and BF3 in methanol.
Method Ce 12-16 is used to measure phytosterols in foods and dietary supplements. The extractor is used for saponification and acid hydrolysis procedures.
The extractor holds ten 50 mL round bottom flasks equipped with West-style condensers. Like our standard extractor and boiling bath evaporator offerings, condensers connect to a water manifold to cool all condensers with the same chiller line. We equipped the heated water bath with a Z-purge safety device due to safety concerns about the flammability of methanol. For more information, please contact a sales technician or request a modification to fit the needs of your lab.